Kyrill Krystallis – Growth Hacking Bootcamp

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $79.99.


Kyrill Krystallis – Growth Hacking Bootcamp

#1 Growth Hacking Course

Welcome to the Growth Hacking Bootcamp.

What is Growth Hacking?

Growth Hacking is a strategy that uses creative, low-cost highly effective marketing strategies to help businesses acquire and retain customers.

It’s often used by startups, scale-ups, tech companies & even established companies that need massive growth in a short time on small budgets.

The goal of growth hacking is to build a self-perpetuating marketing machine that reaches millions by itself.

Growth hackers are marketers, engineers, and product managers who specifically focus on building and engaging the user base of a business.

And that’s exactly what this Growth Hacking Course is all about.

Our focus is to enlighten you with the latest low-cost highly effective growth hacking strategies that you can start applying to your business starting from today whilst also giving you access to a community of business owners & growth hackers from a wide array of industries.

What our growth hacking course teaches:

LinkedIn Logo

LinkedIn Marketing, Ads & Outreach

Learn to market on LinkedIn with strategies including LinkedIn events, Ads, Content Marketing, Newsletters, Outreach and much more…

Reddit Logo

Reddit Content Marketing, Ads & Automated Outreach

See how we can fill entire communities within days by using Reddit Automation tools and upvote Bots.

Google's Logo

Scraping & Enrichment

Learn to scrape a wide variety of search engines & platforms whilst also gaining an understanding on how to both enrich & manipulate the data.

Whatsapp Logo

Youtube Content Marketing & SEO

Understand how you can use Youtube Content Marketing & Search Engine Optimization to build a system that drives leads & conversions to your business on auto-pilot.

Twitter Logo

Bi-Weekly Business Trends

Capture emerging business opportunities & trends right as they happen. Our bi-weekly updated trends & opportunities module will give a breakdown of what’s hot right now.

Gmail Logo

Cold Email Outreach & Automation

Learn how to send thousands of emails per day for lead generation, partnership formation & influencer marketing outreaches all whilst avoiding spam.

and much more…

Our members love us:

Testimonial of Growth Hacking CourseTestimonial of Growth Hacking CourseTestimonial of Growth Hacking CourseTestimonial of Growth Hacking Course

“This is a great course! learned so much about how to scale my operations and a full guide on digital marketing.

Worth it.”

Ahmidi Fashanu

“The value is massive, been following Kyrill for over a year and decided to give the Bootcamp a shot. I’m devouring actionable steps and strategies on how to put my ideas into action…”

Adrian Zebrowski

Adrian Zebrowksi

“The group & community of exceptional growth hackers (with a background ranging from marketing to sales and anything in between) is already 10x more valuable than the price itself…“

John Coburn


A man behind a screen.

What you get:

Based on a subscription of $99.99 (paid every month)

You get the world and more…

  • Premium Growth Hacks Updated Once Per Week.
  • Access to all our previous Growth Hacks (20+ Hours of Content).
  • Access to our Bootcamp Google Drive containing hundreds of thousands of leads & marketing checklists.
  • Discounted Access To Growth Hacking Tools.
  • 25+ Perfectly Copywritten Outreach Templates.
  • Growth Hacking/Marketing Jobs.
  • Elite Growth Hacking Mastermind Call Every Thursday. (we skip some weeks…)

Is this a growth hacking course for you?

You’re looking for low-cost marketing strategies

Growth Hacking is nothing other than low-cost highly-effective marketing strategies.

If that’s what you’re looking for, then you’re in the right place.

You’re tired of burning money on ad spend

Ads across Facebook, Google, YouTube & TikTok are costly because they’re over-saturated.
Growth Hacking is more cost-effective because only a few can do it.

Brought to you by…

Kyrill Krystallis – Growth Hacker

I Initially started the communities that are actively backing this Bootcamp to learn more about Growth Hacking.

I am a firm believer that if you want to rise amongst the best in anything, regardless of it being business or marketing, then make sure to surround yourself with the craft’s top-performing players. Growth Hackers Inc. (my first community of Growth Hackers) was just that…

A year and a half later, however, I’ve found myself re-teaching the acquired knowledge in masterminds, consulting calls, and “on one” to those unaware of the strategies.

This made me eventually think, “Why not systematize this into Bootcamp in a way where other marketers and entrepreneurs can bring themselves up to speed on topics like automation, scraping, outreaches and all those other topics most marketing courses don’t teach…”

This Bootcamp is exactly just that…

What you’ll be able to do after this Bootcamp:

Within 30 days, our utmost goal is to bring you up to speed and at a point where you’re capable of utilizing the world’s biggest platforms for your, and your company’s, growth hacking needs.

We’ll be showing you how to Growth Hack…

  • Virtual Assistant-Based Outreaches: We’ll be showing you how to side-step the dead-end automated direct message game, and how to scale your operations in a manner that’s both compliant with the T&Cs of most platforms & is cost-effective.
  • Cold Email Outreach:  In-depth explanation of how to scrape search results and convert them into pre-cleaned email lists & outreach without hitting spam folders.
  • TikTok Content Marketing & Ads: Understand how to use the world’s fastest-growing platform for lead generation, conversions & branding by using our best practises & dedicated ads module.
  • Quora:​ ​Advanced rundown of Quora manipulation for using it to rank on search results both organically and via Google’s SERP Rich Snippet Feature.
  • Medium:​ ​Article optimization tips are used to outrank entire SEO-optimized websites on the keywords that matter most to you and your firm.
  • Reddit: Virtual Assistant Outreaches &​ Content Marketing Campaigns that can substitute a start-up’s entire ad spend…
  • Youtube Content Marketing: ​Advanced Youtube Optimization Ranking Strategies. The same strategies we’ve used to rank within the top 5 results on hundreds of keywords.
  • Parsehub, Octaparse, Scrapebox (and others…): Have the ability to scrape any database in absolute minutes.
  • LinkedIn: ​Hyper-Targeted LinkedIn Outreach Strategies & Content Marketing Strategies.

How can Growth Hacking benefit you?

If you’re running a B2B Business:

Our growth hacking course is highly advisable for those in the B2B space (agency owners, service providers, etc.) as the Growth Hacking Bootcamp’s initial focus was purely based on business-to-business traffic & lead generation.

Our growth hacking strategies will benefit you tremendously as you start to utilize lesser-known strategies like Cold Email Outreach, LinkedIn Outreach, Content Marketing, Web Scraping, and much more.

Cold Email Outreaches have proven to be an extremely effective growth hack for everyone in the B2B space as they’re low-cost, highly targeted, and relatively easy to scale. Alternatively, LinkedIn & general content marketing helps solidify your ongoing marketing efforts as you never want to be solely relying on a single strategy.

Lastly, our web scraping and data acquisition models ensure that you’re generating outreach lists at extremely low cost. No more paying hundreds of dollars for a few hundred prospects.

Cold Email Outreach Results
B2C Growth Hacking Results

If you’re running a B2C Business:

Our growth hacking course is also highly recommended for those in the B2C space partaking in businesses that deal directly with the consumer with examples including e-commerce, course creators, etc.

The Growth Hacking Bootcamp was itself mostly built using content marketing & community-building growth hacks that can be directly cross-applied to other B2C businesses.

Our course modules go over everything you need to be able to begin generating both traffic & sales through YouTube Content Marketing, Short Form Content, Search Engine Optimization, Influencer Marketing & much more.

Our premium Whatsapp community will also support you with any questions you may have regarding strategy, pricing, and more.

Get 20% off your first purchase. USE COUPON: DISCOUNT20

Kyrill Krystallis - Growth Hacking Bootcamp
Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $79.99.