Lens Distortions | Finishing LUTs

Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $39.99.


Lens Distortions | Finishing LUTs

Finishing LUTs™ | Unify every frame with a cohesive color palette

For years, people have inquired about the cinematic color grades of Lens Distortions’ videos. Good color is not rocket science, though it is technically color science… we believe good color is less about the impact of any given shot and more about the power of a unified aesthetic across an entire project.

With this conviction in mind, we’re pleased to introduce Finishing LUTs, a series of tastefully curated color profiles to help you develop cohesive tone.

Whether you use them as a starting point, in conjunction with other LUTs you already own, or as the final touch in your workflow, Finishing LUTs can improve your color grading process.

Finishing LUTs™

Sold individually

What’s a Finishing LUT™?

Finishing LUTs are designed to tie your entire sequence of shots together. They’re less about infusing new color into your project and more about tightening up all of your shots around a disciplined color palette.

The focus of each Finishing LUT is uniform consistency across all of your footage, preservation of color integrity, and a stylized look – in that order.

Note: Finishing LUTs are not conversion LUTs. If you shoot in LOG format or a different color space, please normalize your footage to Rec. 709 before applying a Finishing LUT.

Why do you sell LUTs individually?

Many filmmakers develop a signature look that they use for years or even over an entire career. And of course, a filmmaker may need to have a handful of looks in their arsenal that are appropriate for different types of clients or projects. But no filmmaker needs 100 LUTs. When companies try to sell you a huge list of LUTs, let’s be honest, you only end up using a select few.

So, we give you the option to purchase a single Finishing LUT to start developing your signature look with. You can also join our Catalyst Membership, which includes full access to our entire product and music catalog.

  • Before-Cashmere
  • Before-Cashmere
  • Before-Cashmere
  • Before-TonalBlue
  • Before-TonalBlue
  • Before-TonalBlue
Tested and Refined

The majority of LUTs on the market focus on heavy-handed style at the expense of quality. Those dramatic blockbuster replicas may feel expressive, but odds are they are completely compromising the color integrity of your shots.

Finishing LUTs are rigorously stress tested to ensure color stability across a wide variety of footage all while providing the cinematic tone Lens Distortions is known for.

Compared to common LUTs, Finishing LUTs generally have a lighter touch, though some style and footage combinations will appear stronger than others.

3 Tone Variations

Each Finishing LUT includes 3 variations of the look, each with its own Tone Curve. This provides a lot more flexibility for balancing color and contrast.

Works With Any Footage
Finishing LUTs work with any standard video footage (Rec. 709). If you shoot standard footage on your camera, you’re good to go. If you shoot in LOG format or another color space, please normalize your footage before applying a Finishing LUT.

Tonal Blue LUT

A quintessential concentration of deep, rich blues.


Tonal Sand LUT

A neutral palette with muted warmth.


Golden Age LUT

An elegant warmth balanced by deep blues.


Pacific Coast LUT

Lush greens and blues with pristine highlights.


Explorer Teal LUT

Subtle teals with sandy highlights.


Super Gold LUT

Deep reds and golds with muted saturation.


Century LUT

Moody teals with tonal greens.


Cashmere LUT

A restrained color palette evoking sentimentality.


Dark Monochrome LUT

Sleek and strong with desaturated blues.


Earthy Monochrome LUT

Moody contrast in a palette of earthtones.


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Lens Distortions | Finishing LUTs
Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $39.99.